Keyword Index


  • Administration University departments' compliance with the laws regarding campus violence in Jordanian universities from the perspective of department heads and college deans. [Volume 31, Issue 3, , Pages 251-277]
  • Administrative Performance The possibility of applying the statistical quality approach to enhance the quality of administrative performance in higher education. [Volume 31, Issue 1, , Pages 31-68]


  • Creative thinking The impact of using the fishbone strategy in teaching science in developing the creative thinking skills of sixth grade female students in Taif Governorate. [Volume 31, Issue 2, , Pages 293-331]


  • Development Objectives and policies of higher education in the Republic of Yemen and their role in the development process. [Volume 31, 3.2, , Pages 291-329]


  • Effect The impact of using the fishbone strategy in teaching science in developing the creative thinking skills of sixth grade female students in Taif Governorate. [Volume 31, Issue 2, , Pages 293-331]


  • Higher Education Objectives and policies of higher education in the Republic of Yemen and their role in the development process. [Volume 31, 3.2, , Pages 291-329]
  • Higher Education Institutions The possibility of applying the statistical quality approach to enhance the quality of administrative performance in higher education. [Volume 31, Issue 1, , Pages 31-68]


  • Jerash Private University Challenges of Implementing Quality Assurance Standards at Jerash University from the Faculty Members' Perspective [Volume 31, 3.2, , Pages 129-151]


  • Key words: Violence University departments' compliance with the laws regarding campus violence in Jordanian universities from the perspective of department heads and college deans. [Volume 31, Issue 3, , Pages 251-277]


  • Learning The level of achievement in physics and its relationship with critical thinking among gifted and talented students in the first grade of secondary school in Aden [Volume 31, Issue 2, , Pages 249-291]
  • Life satisfaction Satisfaction with life serves as a mediator between the emptiness of meaning, certain clinical disruptions, and the psycho-social problems among university students. [Volume 31, Issue 2, , Pages 490-580]


  • Meaninglessness Satisfaction with life serves as a mediator between the emptiness of meaning, certain clinical disruptions, and the psycho-social problems among university students. [Volume 31, Issue 2, , Pages 490-580]


  • Policies Objectives and policies of higher education in the Republic of Yemen and their role in the development process. [Volume 31, 3.2, , Pages 291-329]


  • Quality The possibility of applying the statistical quality approach to enhance the quality of administrative performance in higher education. [Volume 31, Issue 1, , Pages 31-68]
  • Quality Assurance Standards Challenges of Implementing Quality Assurance Standards at Jerash University from the Faculty Members' Perspective [Volume 31, 3.2, , Pages 129-151]



  • The Degree of Application Challenges of Implementing Quality Assurance Standards at Jerash University from the Faculty Members' Perspective [Volume 31, 3.2, , Pages 129-151]
  • The degree of commitment University departments' compliance with the laws regarding campus violence in Jordanian universities from the perspective of department heads and college deans. [Volume 31, Issue 3, , Pages 251-277]


  • University Administration University departments' compliance with the laws regarding campus violence in Jordanian universities from the perspective of department heads and college deans. [Volume 31, Issue 3, , Pages 251-277]