Guide for Authors

The journal follows a set of rules and instructions for publication as follows:


  1. Submitted research and studies must be original in the fields of education and psychology, adhere to established scientific research methodology and identified steps, and have not been previously published elsewhere.
  2. Research and studies must be submitted with abstracts and appendices in three copies to undergo scientific arbitration by specialized professors to determine eligibility for publication.
  3. Research must not exceed 20 pages of single-spaced, size 14 Simplified Arabic font with 3cm margins on B5 paper. The number of pages is calculated based on the journal's layout. A CD must be included.
  4. The first page (research or study abstract) should be preceded by a cover including the research title, author's name(s), academic title(s), and position(s).
  5. Research and studies for publication must be received by the journal's secretariat at least two months before the issue's publication date.
  6. Authors must adhere to the APA referencing system in-text and bibliography, especially using the author's name.
  7. English research must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 14.
  8. Abstracts must not exceed 200 words. Research submitted in a foreign language must include an Arabic abstract.
  9. The editorial board reserves the right to initially examine research and determine eligibility or rejection for publication.
  10. The author must submit a pledge signed by all participants, if any, indicating that the research has not been previously published, is not submitted for publication elsewhere until the journal's review and publication process is complete, and is not part of a published book.
  11. All journal content cannot be published in any other forum without written permission from the editorial board.
  12. All published content represents the author's opinion and does not necessarily reflect the editorial board or advisory board views.
  13. Academic staff members whose research or studies approved contribute to the journal's printing and publishing costs according to the university council's decision in 6/20/2017.
  14. Publication processing fees, based on the affiliation of the first researcher, apply as follows:


Standards for research papers

Authors should include accurate specifications of the work performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance. The research paper must also have sufficient details and references to allow others to elaborate on it.


Originality and plagiarism

Authors should make sure that they have written original research entirely and if they use the research or words of others, this should be quoted or cited appropriately.


Duplicate or simultaneous publications

In general, the author should not publish papers that essentially describe the same research in more than one journal or research paper.


  • The researcher is committed to the credibility of copyright, such that s/he includes in the list of authors everyone who has a valuable intellectual or scientific contribution to the process of conducting the research and its outcomes.
  • A valuable intellectual or scientific contribution includes performing the following four tasks combined:
  1. The researcher’s participation in designing and planning the research project, extracting or obtaining research data, or analyzing or interpreting research data.
  2. The researcher participation in drafting important parts of the scientific paper prepared for publication or critically reviewing it.
  3. Final approval of the version to be published.
  4. Carrying the responsibility of integrity and accuracy of all aspects of the research and its outputs.


  • Copyright must not be assigned in the following cases:
  1.   Lack of valuable intellectual or scientific contribution to the research or its outputs.
  2.   Contribution is limited to providing funding, data, raw materials, or equipment used to conduct the research.
  3.   Dedicating the authorship to the person’s legal value to up-raise the status of the research.

Disclosure and conflict of interests

All authors must disclose, in their manuscripts, any financial or other significant conflict of interests that might affect the results of their research. Accordingly, all sources of financial support for the research project must be disclosed (including the grant number or any other referential number, if available).


Major errors in published works

When an author discovers a major error or inaccuracy in his published work, it is his/her duty to notify the journal editor immediately and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.



Every article published in; journal of Faculty of Education, Assiut University the copyright held by journal of Faculty of Education, Assiut University.


Open-Access Policy

all papers published in journal of Faculty of Education, Assiut University are freely accessible to anybody, anywhere in the world, at any time. This means that the full text of all articles published in journal of Faculty of Education, Assiut University is available to anyone, anywhere, at no cost.


Journal policies of data sharing

The Journal of Faculty of Education, Assiut University encourages all researchers, participating in the journal, to share their research data unless there are ethical, legal, or have privacy reasons that prevent sharing the data. Therefore, data can be shared by the approved researcher for correspondence upon request. In the event that there is a third party with copyright ownership, the data collected by researchers from [third party] will be shared through the approved researcher for correspondence after obtaining authorization from [third party].


Journal policies of data sharing

Research/ Experimenting on humans

When publishing research that includes human subjects, materials, tissues or data, authors must state that the research was conducted in accordance with the 1975 Helsinki Declaration, as revised in 2013

According to this declaration, Official approvals must be obtained from the authorities responsible for the ethics of scientific research before conducting research to ensure compliance with national and international standards.


Animal Research

Editors will ask the author to state that the resulted potential scientific benefit of their research outweighs the harm to the animals, and that the methods used are not offensive to the majority of readers. Authors must ensure that their study adheres to the "3Rs" standards in general, including:

  • Replacing the use of animals with other alternatives if possible.
  • Reducing the number of animals used.
  • Refining experimental conditions and methods to reduce animal suffering.


For more information please refer to: