Challenges in implementing artificial intelligence applications in secondary-level education: A teacher-centric perspective

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


جامعة الملك فيصل بالأحساء


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in education, with the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning. This research study investigated the specific challenges faced by secondary school teachers in Saudi Arabia when implementing AI applications in their classrooms, providing a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted hurdles they encounter. Through a rigorous survey, the study revealed the complex interplay of factors contributing to these challenges, including perceptions, resource limitations, technical support, and the broader educational context. The findings highlight the unrelenting need for comprehensive public policies, infrastructure investment, and tailored professional development to support educators in embracing AI effectively. By recognizing variations in challenges based on teaching experience, subject specialization, and AI tool usage, the study also highlights the contextual nature of AI implementation. These insights not only inform educational policies and practices in Saudi Arabia but also have broader implications for fostering inclusive, efficient, and innovative learning environments globally.

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