Using a Gamification Literature Circles Strategy to Develop 6th Primary Stage Pupils' some Reading Comprehension Skills and Vocabulary Enrichment

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Asyut Manfalout Elsalam suburb Diaa Abu Hussein street



The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of using a Gamification Literature Circles strategy in developing some reading comprehension skills and vocabulary enrichment for primary-six pupils. The research adopted the quasi-experimental approach. The study participants were 54 pupils. The subject of the research was the sixth primary pupils of Manfalout Model Azhari Primary Institute. They were distributed into two groups: the experimental group (27 pupils) taught reading comprehension and vocabulary by a Gamification Literature Circles strategy, and the control group (27 pupils) taught reading comprehension and vocabulary by using the traditional method. The instrument of the current research was two pre-post reading comprehension and vocabulary tests. The results demonstrated that there was a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the mean scores of the two groups in the post implementation in the results of the reading comprehension test and the vocabulary test in favor of the treatment group. Results also revealed that the strategy has a significant effect on developing some reading comprehension skills and vocabulary enrichment of primary six school pupils. Based on the obtained results, many recommendation, and suggestions were made.

Keywords: Gamification – Literature Circles – reading comprehension - vocabulary enrichment

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