A Program Based on Chat Generative Pre-trained Text Transformer (ChatGPT) for Enhancing EFL Majors' Descriptive Paragraph Writing Skills and Their English Grammar Use

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


المناهج وطرق التدريس - كلية التربية - جامعة جنوب الوادي بالغردقة


This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of using a ChatGPT based program for developing descriptive writing skills and English grammar use of 3rd year EFL Majors. Participants of the study (30) were randomly selected from English department at Hurghada Faculty of Education. The study followed the one-group quasi-experimental design with its pre and post testing procedure. Instruments and materials of the study were designed by the researcher which included: a descriptive writing skills questionnaire, a descriptive writing test, a descriptive writing rubric, an English Grammar use questionnaire, an English grammar use test and a Chat-GPT oriented program. The descriptive writing skills test included place, things, events and character description, while the grammar use test included punctuation, tenses, and sentence’s structure. Results of the two tests showed significant means differences between the participants in the pre and post testing procedures favoring the post testing. This means that there were significant mean differences between the participants in both descriptive paragraph writing skills and English grammar use due to the ChatGPT driven program of the study favoring the post application. The study recommended using ChatGPT tool for other language areas development such as critical reading, summarizing and paraphrasing. It also recommended running further research on using ChatGPT for performance-based assessment of pre- and in-service teachers.

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