The Effect of Home Assignment on Developing Written Composition Sub- Skills of English Majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


An Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching English



التعبير الکتابي مهم لطلاب کلية التربية، والطالب المعلم المتميز ينمى أداءه بالمدرسة عندما يکون قادرا على أن يستفيد من مهاراته الکتابية . والجانب الکتابي يساعد فى التواصل وتکوين الأفکار والمعلومات لتکون واضحة لدى الطلاب المعلمين. وفى اللغة الإنجليزية، يوجد التعبير الکتابي والتعبير الشفهي. وهذه الدراسة تتناول التعبير الکتابي لما له من دور عظيم الأهمية للطلاب المعلمين
وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بحث أثر الواجب المنزلي المحدد  فى تنمية بعض مهارات التعبير الکتابي لدى الطلاب المتخصصين فى اللغة الإنجليزية بالفرقة الثانية بکلية التربية
  وکانت أسئلة الدراسة (1) ما المهارات التى يتدنى فيها مستوى التعبير الکتابي لدى الطلاب المتخصصين فى اللغة الإنجليزية بکلية التربية ، جامعة بنى سويف؟(2)إلى أى مدى يؤثر الواجب المنزلي المحدد فى مهارات کتابة فقرة لدى الطلاب المتخصصين فى اللغة الإنجليزية بالفرقة الثانية بکلية التربية –جامعة بنى سويف؟(3) إلى أى مدى يؤثر الواجب المنزلي المحدد فى مهارات کتابة خطاب لدى الطلاب المتخصصين فى اللغة الإنجليزية بالفرقة الثانية بکلية التربية – جامعة بنى سويف؟(4) إلى أى مدى يؤثر الواجب المنزلي المحدد فى مهارات کتابة تقرير لدى الطلاب المتخصصين فى اللغة الإنجليزية بالفرقة الثانية بکلية التربية –جامعة بنى سويف؟
وکان المشارکون فى الاختبار التشخيصى33  من الطلاب المعلمين بکلية التربية –جامعة بنى سويف وفى الاختبار  البعدي 36 بعد أن کانوا 40 فى الاختبار القبلى.
وتضمنت الاجراءات تطبيق الاختبار التشخيصي بعد تحقيق الصدق والثبات. وطبقا لنتائج الاختبار التشخيصى وهى الإجابة على السؤال الأول، بدأ الباحث تصميم برنامج لمساعدة الطلاب على تنمية مهارات التعبير الکتابي. وقبل تطبيق الاختبار القبلي حقق الباحث الصدق بعرضه على محکمين  ثم تحقق من الثبات . کانت درجات الطلاب منخفضة فى الاختبار التشخيصى والاختبار القبلي.. وبدأ الباحث تدريس البرنامج لتدريب الطلاب. وأخذ الطلاب المواد التعليمية. واستخدم الباحث الواجب المنزلي المحدد.
وکانت نتائج الدراسة کالآتى : للإجابة عن السؤال الثاني:" إلى أى مدى يؤثر الواجب المنزلي المحدد فى مهارات کتابة فقرة لدى الطلاب المتخصصين فى اللغة الإنجليزية بالفرقة الثانية بکلية التربية –جامعة بنى سويف ؟  يتضح فى جدول) (4 المتوسطات التى تظهر الفروق بين الاختبار القبلي والاختبار البعدي في کل مهارة على حده وجدول رقم ( 5) حيث کانت نتيجة اختبار ت 21.002 . وللإجابة عن السؤال الثالث :إلى أى مدى يؤثر الواجب المنزلي المحدد فى مهارات کتابة خطاب لدى الطلاب المتخصصين فى اللغة الإنجليزية بالفرقة الثانية بکلية التربية –جامعة بنى سويف؟ "، يتضح في جدول(6)  المتوسطات       التى تظهر الفروق بين الاختبار القبلي والاختبار البعدي في کل مهارة على حده وجدول رقم (7) حيث کانت نتيجة اختبار ت 21.385 . وللإجابة عن السؤال الرابع : إلى أى مدى يؤثر الواجب المنزلي المحدد فى مهارات کتابة تقرير لدى الطلاب المتخصصين فى اللغة الإنجليزية بالفرقة الثانية بکلية التربية –جامعة بنى سويف؟" يتضح في جدول ) (8 المتوسطات التى تظهر الفروق بين الاختبار القبلي والاختبار البعدى في کل مهارة على حده وجدول رقم (9) حيث کانت نتيجة اختبار ت 26.147 واستفاد الطلاب المعلمون بکلية التربية من البرنامج
ومن الأفضل أن يتم إعادة النظر فى أهمية الواجب المنزلي المحدد  فى المدارس وکليات التربية لتنمية مهارات التعبير الکتابي.

Written composition is important for student teachers at Faculty of Education. A distinguished student teacher develops his performance at school when he is able to make use of his written skills. Written composition helps in communication, forming ideas, and information clear to student teachers. In English, there are written composition and oral composition. The current study deals with written composition as it has an important role to student teachers
The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of home assignment on developing some written composition skills in English of Second Year English majors at Faculty of Education.
Questions of the study were:
(1) What are the skills in which student teachers’ levels are weak in written composition of second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?
 (2) To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of paragraph writing of second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?
(3) ) To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written letter of  second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?
(4) To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written report of second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?
In the diagnostic test, participants of the study were 33 student teachers at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University. In the post test, student teachers were 36 after they had been 40 in the pre/test
Procedures included administering the diagnostic test after achieving validity and reliability. According to the results of the diagnostic test which was the first question of the study:, the researcher started  designing a program to help student develop their skills of written composition. Before administering the pre/test ,the researcher determined  validity as the test  was submitted to juries, then reliability was achieved. Students' scores were low in the diagnostic and the pre/post/ tests. Afterwards, the researcher started teaching the program after being designed. Students were given the instructional materials. The researcher used home assignment.
Results of the study: To answer question 2, which is:  To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of paragraph writing of  second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?
it is shown in (table 4) where means were shown stating the differentiation between the pre/test and post/test in every skill. and in (table 5) as T test was 21.002.To answer question 3, which is: " To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written letter of  second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University? it is shown in (table 6) where means were shown stating the differentiation between the pre/test and post/test in every skill. and in (table 7)  T test value was21.385
To answer question 4, which is: To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written report of second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University? it is shown in (table 8) where means were shown stating the differentiation between the pre test and post test in every skill. and in (table 9) as T test was26.147
Student teachers at Faculty of Education made use of the program.
It is better to reconsider the importance of home assignment at schools and Faculties of Education to develop the skills of written composition.

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية


     کلیة التربیة

        کلیة معتمدة من الهیئة القومیة لضمان جودة التعلیم

        إدارة: البحوث والنشر العلمی ( المجلة العلمیة)




The Effect of Home Assignment on Developing Written Composition Sub- Skills of             English Majors at Faculty of Education,        Beni-Suef University


Prepared by

Dr. Mukhtar Abd El-Fattah Abd El-Maksoud

An Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching English




}         المجلد الثالث والثلاثین– العدد العاشر- جزء ثانی– دیسمبر 2017م {


التعبیر الکتابی مهم لطلاب کلیة التربیة، والطالب المعلم المتمیز ینمى أداءه بالمدرسة عندما یکون قادرا على أن یستفید من مهاراته الکتابیة . والجانب الکتابی یساعد فى التواصل وتکوین الأفکار والمعلومات لتکون واضحة لدى الطلاب المعلمین. وفى اللغة الإنجلیزیة، یوجد التعبیر الکتابی والتعبیر الشفهی. وهذه الدراسة تتناول التعبیر الکتابی لما له من دور عظیم الأهمیة للطلاب المعلمین

وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بحث أثر الواجب المنزلی المحدد  فى تنمیة بعض مهارات التعبیر الکتابی لدى الطلاب المتخصصین فى اللغة الإنجلیزیة بالفرقة الثانیة بکلیة التربیة

  وکانت أسئلة الدراسة (1) ما المهارات التى یتدنى فیها مستوى التعبیر الکتابی لدى الطلاب المتخصصین فى اللغة الإنجلیزیة بکلیة التربیة ، جامعة بنى سویف؟(2)إلى أى مدى یؤثر الواجب المنزلی المحدد فى مهارات کتابة فقرة لدى الطلاب المتخصصین فى اللغة الإنجلیزیة بالفرقة الثانیة بکلیة التربیة –جامعة بنى سویف؟(3) إلى أى مدى یؤثر الواجب المنزلی المحدد فى مهارات کتابة خطاب لدى الطلاب المتخصصین فى اللغة الإنجلیزیة بالفرقة الثانیة بکلیة التربیة – جامعة بنى سویف؟(4) إلى أى مدى یؤثر الواجب المنزلی المحدد فى مهارات کتابة تقریر لدى الطلاب المتخصصین فى اللغة الإنجلیزیة بالفرقة الثانیة بکلیة التربیة –جامعة بنى سویف؟

وکان المشارکون فى الاختبار التشخیصى33  من الطلاب المعلمین بکلیة التربیة –جامعة بنى سویف وفى الاختبار  البعدی 36 بعد أن کانوا 40 فى الاختبار القبلى.

وتضمنت الاجراءات تطبیق الاختبار التشخیصی بعد تحقیق الصدق والثبات. وطبقا لنتائج الاختبار التشخیصى وهى الإجابة على السؤال الأول، بدأ الباحث تصمیم برنامج لمساعدة الطلاب على تنمیة مهارات التعبیر الکتابی. وقبل تطبیق الاختبار القبلی حقق الباحث الصدق بعرضه على محکمین  ثم تحقق من الثبات . کانت درجات الطلاب منخفضة فى الاختبار التشخیصى والاختبار القبلی.. وبدأ الباحث تدریس البرنامج لتدریب الطلاب. وأخذ الطلاب المواد التعلیمیة. واستخدم الباحث الواجب المنزلی المحدد.

وکانت نتائج الدراسة کالآتى : للإجابة عن السؤال الثانی:" إلى أى مدى یؤثر الواجب المنزلی المحدد فى مهارات کتابة فقرة لدى الطلاب المتخصصین فى اللغة الإنجلیزیة بالفرقة الثانیة بکلیة التربیة –جامعة بنى سویف ؟  یتضح فى جدول) (4 المتوسطات التى تظهر الفروق بین الاختبار القبلی والاختبار البعدی فی کل مهارة على حده وجدول رقم ( 5) حیث کانت نتیجة اختبار ت 21.002 . وللإجابة عن السؤال الثالث :إلى أى مدى یؤثر الواجب المنزلی المحدد فى مهارات کتابة خطاب لدى الطلاب المتخصصین فى اللغة الإنجلیزیة بالفرقة الثانیة بکلیة التربیة –جامعة بنى سویف؟ "، یتضح فی جدول(6)  المتوسطات       التى تظهر الفروق بین الاختبار القبلی والاختبار البعدی فی کل مهارة على حده وجدول رقم (7) حیث کانت نتیجة اختبار ت 21.385 . وللإجابة عن السؤال الرابع : إلى أى مدى یؤثر الواجب المنزلی المحدد فى مهارات کتابة تقریر لدى الطلاب المتخصصین فى اللغة الإنجلیزیة بالفرقة الثانیة بکلیة التربیة –جامعة بنى سویف؟" یتضح فی جدول ) (8 المتوسطات التى تظهر الفروق بین الاختبار القبلی والاختبار البعدى فی کل مهارة على حده وجدول رقم (9) حیث کانت نتیجة اختبار ت 26.147 واستفاد الطلاب المعلمون بکلیة التربیة من البرنامج

ومن الأفضل أن یتم إعادة النظر فى أهمیة الواجب المنزلی المحدد  فى المدارس وکلیات التربیة لتنمیة مهارات التعبیر الکتابی.


Written composition is important for student teachers at Faculty of Education. A distinguished student teacher develops his performance at school when he is able to make use of his written skills. Written composition helps in communication, forming ideas, and information clear to student teachers. In English, there are written composition and oral composition. The current study deals with written composition as it has an important role to student teachers

The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of home assignment on developing some written composition skills in English of Second Year English majors at Faculty of Education.

Questions of the study were:

(1) What are the skills in which student teachers’ levels are weak in written composition of second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?

 (2) To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of paragraph writing of second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?

(3) ) To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written letter of  second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?

(4) To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written report of second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?

In the diagnostic test, participants of the study were 33 student teachers at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University. In the post test, student teachers were 36 after they had been 40 in the pre/test

Procedures included administering the diagnostic test after achieving validity and reliability. According to the results of the diagnostic test which was the first question of the study:, the researcher started  designing a program to help student develop their skills of written composition. Before administering the pre/test ,the researcher determined  validity as the test  was submitted to juries, then reliability was achieved. Students' scores were low in the diagnostic and the pre/post/ tests. Afterwards, the researcher started teaching the program after being designed. Students were given the instructional materials. The researcher used home assignment.

Results of the study: To answer question 2, which is:  To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of paragraph writing of  second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?

it is shown in (table 4) where means were shown stating the differentiation between the pre/test and post/test in every skill. and in (table 5) as T test was 21.002.To answer question 3, which is: " To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written letter of  second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University? it is shown in (table 6) where means were shown stating the differentiation between the pre/test and post/test in every skill. and in (table 7)  T test value was21.385

To answer question 4, which is: To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written report of second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University? it is shown in (table 8) where means were shown stating the differentiation between the pre test and post test in every skill. and in (table 9) as T test was26.147

Student teachers at Faculty of Education made use of the program.

It is better to reconsider the importance of home assignment at schools and Faculties of Education to develop the skills of written composition.

Key Words: Home-assignment – Written composition –sub-skill




It is well known that writing has a role of tremendous importance in the teaching process. An assignment is an important part of an educational career and course plan because it is the basic aim and objective of any educational course to provide an all-round education and take every opportunity to develop insights in students.

Assignments are a holistic way to ensure that students take up an effective reading and practical application of knowledge while they are not in the campus. There is a physical constraint on the ability of a lecturer or a tutor to remain available for students all the time and teach them different lessons on education. "Assignments are evolved as a alternative medium of instruction for students because in a subtle way assignments direct the students to go through different books’ articles and journals of the subject matter and gain sufficient secondary knowledge to develop their own thought process. Assignments are a parallel process of developing the habit of critically evaluating any data provided to them and analyze it for its advantages’ disadvantages and most importantly it will also help in developing new innovations and creativity of students." Locus RAGS(2015:1).

 Carbone II, (2009:1) stated that proponents and opponents make cases to support their views on the necessity and importance of homework in the development of the student and the construction of knowledge. Good and Brophy (2003:393) indicated that many view homework as, “An important extension of in-school opportunities to learn” . Cauley and McMillan (2009:1-6), emphasized the importance of setting mastery goals prior to the instruction process.

Review of Literature:

Studies are rearranged chronologically.The researcher selected studies related to written composition

Spielberger; Slaughter, (1985) showed the theories and practices of effective teachers who use a cross-disciplinary approach to enhance writing instruction. This collection of essays is designed to make writing teachers aware of the various possibilities for using film in their classrooms. The ten essays focused on the following topics: (1) combining essay reading and writing with film study in basic composition courses; (2) using films for brainstorming sessions, free-writing exercises, and journal-based assignments; (3) developing a series of three documentary films on the subject of the writing process; (4) giving shape to prose through the use of nonfiction films; (5) using documentary films in the writing classroom; (6) using films in conjunction with literature and composition assignments to develop skills of analysis, interpretation, and argumentation; (7) enhancing students' writing skills through the use of televised drama; (8) using commercial motion pictures for both in class and home writing assignments; (9) illuminating aspects of written language through the use of "film language"; and (10) teaching writing using an approach based on the analogy of film as composition. Three bibliographies include references for further reading, films listed thematically, and films available through the City University of New York Consortium.

Bridges,  (1996) showed that developing lifelong reading is one objective of East Georgia College's English courses--all of them, even composition--because learning is a lifelong pursuit and to read is to continue to learn. This 2-year college's students range in age from 16-66 with varied interests but similar cultural backgrounds. Most come from non-reading, economically disadvantaged homes. While some authorities argue against putting literature in the composition classroom, many others are in favor, so long as the main course objectives involve writing. Reading varies from campus to campus, including professional essays, popular magazines, and other material of interest to the student. At East Georgia College, contemporary novels, best sellers, or new biographies or autobiographies are chosen, such as "The Cold Sassy Tree" and "Song of Solomon." Authors come to speak to the student body and students are given an opportunity to talk to them and to have their own books autographed afterwards. In the classroom, after the assignment of reading is given, discussion begins, then a brief quiz, and then a writing assignment is given. Reading novels, biographies, and autobiographies stimulates the students to think for themselves and to express those thoughts in both oral and written media.

Sides, (1994) stated that a home writing program was developed and implemented using 22 second-grade target students to increase writing proficiency by soliciting parent involvement with home writing and to improve attitudes toward writing. Students attending a north central Florida school were supplied with a writing suitcase containing thematic story starter cards, a parent guideline page, a time and comment card, and various writing and art materials. The success of the writing program was measured by comparing the scores of pre- and post-writing samples written to a prompt and by assessing pre- and post-surveys of parent and student interest in writing. Results indicated a moderate level of achievement for the target group: writing ability increased 19%, positive parental interest increased 15%, and positive student interest increased 13%. Findings suggested that subsequent utilization of the home writing program over a longer period of time could provide a vehicle to increase writing proficiency skills. The success of the program has led to plans for implementing the home writing program school-wide in kindergarten through grade three.

In ProQuest LLC, Paredes, (2011) showed that the corpus of this study consisted of 75 texts produced by university-level learners of Spanish who were novices with regard to the use of Spanish for argumentative purposes. Forty-two of the 75 texts were expository essays written by speakers of Spanish as a heritage language on the topic El corrido in Mexico and the United States. The second group of texts consisted of 33 literary analysis on the short novel The House on Mango Street. These essays were written by students of Spanish as a second language as the fourth and last written assignment in an intermediate-high Spanish Composition course with emphasis in the development of an academic register. The previous instruction of this group of students had an emphasis on the development of speaking skills through a communicative approach. In regard to the argumentative strategies employed by speakers of Spanish as a second language, the analysis showed that novice writers organized their interpretations on the novel by focusing on character recontextualization (description of qualities and emotional responses to conflicts) or on character development (personal growth as a result of being involved in the events of the narrative). Their interpretations articulate the dominant messages in the story as representations of values. The results of this study suggested that there were crucial stages of abstraction development through which novices pass as they develop into mature writers. Considering that diversity in language proficiency is prevalent in our language classrooms, the knowledge of the different language development stages through which language learners pass can assist instructors in the design and improvement of current curricula for the teaching of writing as well as to provide more differentiated feedback according to student's specific needs and language skills.

Franquiz and Salinas,  (2011). It is assumed that English language proficiency is a prerequisite for subject-matter learning. The authors take the alternate view that the integration of historical thinking and digitized primary sources enhances English language acquisition and learning of the social studies. Specifically, it was shown how eleven late arrival immigrant students using primary source digitized documents responded to three lessons in a History class: the crisis in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957; and the 21st century response to immigration as manifested in Arizona Senate Bill 1070 in 2010. The study of these historical events required that the adolescent newcomers systematically examine sources, contexts, and historical significance as well as notions of agency, empathy, and moral judgment. Assignments for students to position themselves in relation to these historical events provided opportunities for authoring identity texts. These student written artifacts were examined for length, voice, grammatical conventions, organization and ability to understand multiple perspectives, complex context, and conflicting (if not persistent) historical tension. Findings showed that the use of digitized documents, document-based questions, and written responses in the form of letters or telegrams made the subject relevant and meaningful to the newcomer students and elicited their cognitive engagement and identity investment in the production of writing. The choice to use (or not) the home language played a significant role in the creation of students' identity texts.


Through the review of literature, it is clear that there are differences between the current study and each one of the previous studies as the current study investigates The Effect of Home Assignment on Developing Written Composition Skills of Second Year English Majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University

Context of the Problem

The researcher visited many schools during lectures and teaching practice supervision . He had a look at student teachers’ composition writing to investigate their skills in writing composition. He asked student teachers through interviews about problems that students face in composition writing. He also asked them about sub-skills of written composition.  It was clear that students are weak in written composition skills. The researcher became aware of the problem of the current study and he thought of how to develop written composition through using home assignment.

To document the problem , a pilot study was conducted as follows:

-To answer the first question of the present study which is: (1) What are the written composition skills that  student teachers should develop at Faculty of Education ?, the following steps were followed:

The researcher designed a test to be sure that there is a problem

(Table 1): Reliability of the Diagnostic Test



(1)M. I. T. S.




(3) E.D. S.


(4)E. t. R.


(5) Gra






It is shown that the highest percentage  is 0.88 and the lowest percentage is 0.81 and the total percentage  is 0.92. so the diagnostic test is appropriate to be administered

Description of the diagnostic test:

The purpose of the diagnostic test is to know the written composition skills which are important to second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University. The diagnostic test involves certain components Abbreviations shown previously in table (1)stand for the following:

(1)Main/Topic idea sentence            (2) Supporting detail sentence(s)

(3)  Extra detailed sentence               (4) Easy to read) (5) Grammar

(6) Mechanics/ spelling. 

(Table 2): Mean scores and standard deviation of the diagnostic test


Raw Scores of the Diagnostic Test


(1)M. I. T. S.


(3) E.D. S.

(4)E. t. R.

(5) Gra



Stud. No
























It is shown that the mean of each score is low and the total percentage is 9.54545, while the totality of standard deviation is 1.969945

Statement of the Problem

The problem of the present research lies in the fact that students are weak in written composition  skills and the researcher attempts to  make use of home assignment to investigate its effect on developing some writing skills among 2nd year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University.

Questions of the Study

The questions are as the following:

(1) What are the skills in which student teachers’ levels are weak in written composition of second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?

 (2) To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of paragraph writing of second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?

(3) ) To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written letter of  second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?

(4) To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written report of second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?

Aims of the Study

This study aims to achieve the following:

 -Investigating the effect of home assignment on developing some                                             writing skills.

- Using home assignment to develop paragraph writing skills

- Using home assignment to develop skills of a written letter.

- Using home assignment to develop skills of a written report.

- Developing the writing skills through activities

Significance of the Study

-This study might help to know the effect of using home assignment and developing some writing sub-skills.

- This study might help in developing student teachers’ written composition in English Department, at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University.

-Further, it might give an idea about teaching and learning of some written composition sub-skills and how to make use of home assignment..

Definition of Terms

-Assignment means an undertaking that students have been assigned to do (as by an instructor).

- An assignment – homework

-An assignment is  a piece of academic work given to students.     .Collins, (2012:2).   

In American English, an assignment is a piece of work given to 

students to do at home. Farlex (2015:2).

The operational definition will be the definition of Farlex (2015:2).which is the last one

Written composition: Writing a composition is a complex activity that includes the mechanics of writing, including handwriting (or keyboarding, using an adaptive device, etc.), spelling, and the basics of language knowledge (i.e., word morphology, syntax, and vocabulary). In addition it includes the following cognitive, meta-cognitive, self-regulatory, and motivational aspects:

generating ideas to put into print

planning what to say and how to say it

organizing the ideas into a coherent whole

recognizing the needs of readers and how to meet those needs

translating these plans into a written text, including a style of writing and word choice appropriate to the writing task and projected readers

remembering all of the components that need to be included in producing the composition

self-monitoring the process and reviewing the content, organization, and mechanics and then editing as needed

possessing the cognitive capacity to deal with all of these aspects of complexity

possessing the confidence, motivation, and perseverance to engage in the hard work needed to create a well written product. LearnNet.(2006:1).

Written composition  is a piece of writing; especially : a school exercise in the form of a brief essay

Definition of composition for English Language Learners

: the way in which something is put together or arranged : the combination of parts or elements that make up something

: a piece of writing; especially : a brief essay written as a school assignment . Merriam-webster (2017:4) 

The operational definition will be the definition of LearnNet.(2006:1).as it is appropriate for the current study.

Sub-skill is an element of a wider skill. English . Dictionary. (2012:1)

Sub-skill is a skill that makes up part of a larger skill.. (2012: 1).

The operational definition will be related to (2012: 1).

Method of the Study:

It is hypothesized that the method of the present study will be quasi-experimental

Instruments of the Study

(1) Interviews with second year Faculty of Education student-teachers at Beni-Suef University. The questions of the interviews involved written composition and types of written composition ; besides, importance and skills of written composition.

 (3) A pre/post test to assess students' performance of composition writing skills

Materials of the Study

-A writing skills’-based program . Made by the researcher

-Guidelines of the program. Made by the researcher.

Both of them are included in the appendices of the study.

Delimitations of the Study

The study was delimited to

33 student teachers in second Year English majors participated in the diagnostic test at Faculty of Education at Beni-Suef University and 40 student teachers participated in the pre-post test.They became 36 in the post/test.

-Rubric of Written Composition

Main idea /Topic sentence – Supporting details – Extra detailed sentence – Easy to read – Grammar – Mechanics/ spelling

-Paragraph Rubric

Main/Topic idea sentence – Supporting detail sentence(s) – Elaborating detail sentence(s) – Legibility- Mechanics and Grammar

A paragraph is a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering. English Oxford Living Dictionaries (2017:1)

-Rubric for a Written Letter

Salutation and Closing – Format – Content Accuracy – Neatness.

  Letter writing is the exchange of written or printed messages.

Distinctions are commonly drawn between personal letters (sent between family members, friends, or acquaintances) and business letters (formal exchanges with businesses or government organizations..Letter writing occurs in many forms and formats, including notes, letters, and postcards. Sometimes referred to as hard copy or snail mail, letter writing is often distinguished from forms of computer-mediated communication (CMC), such as email and texting.


Rubric for a Written Report.

Topic – Organization- Quality of Information – Grammar usage – Mechanics/ Spelling – Interest Level – Neatness – Timeliness

A report is a document containing information organized in a narrative, graphic, or tabular form, prepared on ad hoc, periodic, recurring, regular, or as required basis. Reports may refer to specific periods, events, occurrences, or subjects, and may be communicated or presented in oral or written form.


Participants of the Study

- In the diagnostic test, there were 33 student teachers enrolled in second year English Department at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University.

- In the pre-test 40 student teachers were chosen randomly from second year ,English majors at Faculty of Education,  Beni-Suef University during the second semester of the academic year 2017. In the post test,  they were 36 student teachers after they had been 40 as some of them were absent as they had difficult circumstances. The numbers of student teachers who were absent in the post test were:5,12,20 and 30.

Procedures of the Study

 The Program and Pre/Post Test Design

The program  involves the skills selected after administering the diagnostic test to investigate the most important skills in which student teachers are weak. The skills selected are mentioned in delimitation of the study. The program consists of six units. Each unit is divided into two parts. The researcher prepared a composition skills program and guidelines of the program. They were submitted to Jury members.

Test Validity :A pre/post test was prepared and it was submitted to Jury members to achieve validity to be sure that the test is designed to achieve specific objectives .

Test Reliability:

Table (3) Reliability of the pre/post test




Writing a Paragraph

(1) M.T.I.S.



(2) S.D.



(3) El. D..S



(4) Leg.



(5) M. G.





Writing a letter

(1)Sal& Clos.






(3) Cont. Acc.



(4) Neat.





Writing a report

(1) Topic






(3)Q.o Inf.



(4)G.U.M. S..



(5)Int. L.











It is shown that the highest percentage  is 0.87 and the lowest percentage is 0.80 in paragraph writing . The total percentage is  0.93 ; whereas, the highest percentage  is 0.82 and the lowest percentage is 0.81 in writing a letter . The total percentage is 0.89  and t the highest percentage  is 0.88 and the lowest percentage is 0.82 in writing a report . The total percentage is 0.90

After determining reliability, the test was ready to be administered. Then, statistical manipulations were carried out. Inter-raters helped the researcher after administering the test to be away from bias.

The program was given to student- teachers . Students were asked to read the program and make use of the best use of it to develop their skills in writing a paragraph, a letter and a report. 

Student-teachers who attended the pre/test were 40.After administering the pre/test, the researcher gave the student's Book to participants. The researcher told them about the program and how to send the answers to the exercises. The researcher was helped by some researchers  at Beni-Suef University. The researcher exerted great efforts and they were helpful to the researcher while applying the program to student-teachers before administering the post test.

The Theoretical Background

The Functions of Assignments

 1. "To point out clearly and concisely to the students just what is to be done or what they are supposed to do.

The assignment should enable students to see the purpose for their study and some definite objectives to be achieved. The objectives of the lesson are essential in giving direction and definiteness to the students’ thought and activities.

2. To show how the work is to be done. The procedure to be followed by the students in doing the work assigned must be explained to make the study period effective.

3. To make the students see why they should do the work. The purpose of the lesson assigned must be made known to the students so that their interest may be stimulated. Motivation is a definite function of the assign­ment. To require a student to do something without regard to his interest is unsound educational practice.

4. To connect the new lesson with one just completed so that the pupil may gain a whole view of the subject. This refers to the integration of the past and the principles of the appreciative learning. The psychological principle of apperception is thus given full recognition in the assignment function. The instructor needs to direct the students in the use of such for interpretive purposes. When this is properly done, the students usually find the mastery of the new elements a relatively easy task.

5. To create the proper attitude toward the performance of the work assigned.  The students should under­stand the importance of the assignment and they should recog­nize the genuine merits of the advance work.

6. To anticipate special difficulties in the next lesson, and to suggest ways to overcome them. The assignment is wholly inadequate that does not equip the students both with knowledge of these difficulties and with some suggestions by which they may be overcome. The ability to apply this function of the assignment effectively requires a mastery of the elements involved in any phase of learning.

7. To provide adequate provisions for individual differences.

Even interests of students are found to be widely divergent. Pupils work with more vigor, ease, and pleasure when the things they do are in conformity with their interests."  Mondal, (2015:1-2) 

1.   Types of Assignments.

The instructor must decide whether class assignments are whole-class, small groups, workshops, independent work, peer learning, or contractual:

-Whole-class—the teacher lectures to the class as a whole and has the class collectively participate in classroom discussions.

-Small groups—students work on assignments in groups of three or four.

-Workshops—students perform various tasks simultaneously. Workshop activities must be tailored to the lesson plan.

-Independent work—students complete assignments individually.

-Peer learning—students work together, face to face, so they can learn from one another.

-Contractual work—teacher and student establish an agreement that the student must perform a certain amount of work by a deadline.

These assignment categories (e.g. peer learning, independent, small groups) can also be used to guide the instructor’s choice of assessment measures that can provide information about student and class comprehension of the material. As discussed by Biggs (1999:165-203), there are additional questions an instructor can consider when choosing which type of assignment would provide the most benefit to students. These include:

-What level of learning do the students need to attain before choosing assignments with varying difficulty levels?

-What is the amount of time the instructor wants the students to use to complete the assignment?

-How much time and effort does the instructor have to provide student grading and feedback?

-What is the purpose of the assignment? (e.g. to track student learning; to provide students with time to practice concepts; to practice incidental skills such as group process or independent research)

-How does the assignment fit with the rest of the lesson plan? Does the assignment test content knowledge or does it require application in a new context?

-Does the lesson plan fit a particular framework? For example, a Common Core Lesson Plan.Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia (2016:4-5)

Basic Paragraph Structure: How to Layout a Paragraph

In non-fiction writing, a body paragraph is any paragraph that comes between the introduction and the conclusion.

A good body paragraph will have the following:

Topic Sentence

What is a topic sentence? A topic sentence is the first sentence of the body paragraph. Simply put, the topic sentence introduces the topic of the paragraph. A good topic sentence will be broad enough to allow for explication but narrow enough that it does not require a paragraph that is too long.

Supporting Sentences

What is a supporting sentence? The supporting sentences of a paragraph are the sentences between the topic sentence and the concluding sentence. The supporting sentences “support” the topic sentence. That is, they explain and elaborate the point of the paragraph.

Concluding Sentence

What is a concluding sentence? The concluding sentence is the last sentence in the paragraph. It should succinctly end the paragraph and transition to the next paragraph, if appropriate.

Other Features of Paragraphs

A good paragraph contains many elements. Here are just a few         of them.

Unity, Coherence

As mentioned above, the ideas in a paragraph should logically fit together. Furthermore, they should flow from one idea to the next.

A paragraph should be organized in a way that it builds appropriately. This could be by sequence of ideas or events. Additionally, transitions should be used from one sentence to the next that connect the ideas and concepts.

Adequate Development

In order for a paragraph to be considered “adequate” or “sufficient,” the paragraph should be well-developed. The reader should not be left wanting more information.

Similarly, the paragraph should include enough evidence to support its topic sentence.


Good paragraphs have transitions between preceding and proceeding paragraphs. These transitions are logical and verbal.

One paragraph should logically flow to the next. The ideas in a body of work should be organized so each paragraph transitions well to the next. It should not be choppy.

Additionally, verbal transitions within and between paragraphs should help the reader move seamlessly through the piece of writing.

How Long is a Paragraph?

Paragraphs need to be long enough to express any given idea (long enough to thoroughly explain the topic sentence).

Research papers may call for paragraphs ten sentences or longer.

The overall topic of the writing and content will determine the length of a paragraph. Unfortunately, there is no single number of sentences to a good paragraph.

A general rule of thumb is to begin with a topic sentence; develop that topic well with evidence, examples, and explanations; and conclude the paragraph appropriately.

The Writer’s Dictionary, Op.cit (2017:1-5)

Administering the Post Test and Findings of the Study

Some students did not attend the post test .The researcher omitted their answer sheets in the pre-test .Numbers of students who did not attend were the following numbers:  5,12,20 and 30 The students became 36 after they had been 40. Those who did not attend  while the post test was administered, might have difficult circumstances or because they might have been at the end of the academic year and might have been preparing for the final test at their Faculty.

Writing a paragraph

To answer the second question which is “To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of paragraph writing of  second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?

the findings are in the following table:

Table (4) Mean scores and standard deviation of pre-post test on Writing a Paragraph.

Paired Samples Statistics




Std. Deviation

Std. Error Mean

Pair 1

(1) M.T.I.S.





(1) M.T.I.S.





Pair 2

(2) S.D.





(2) S.D.





Pair 3

(3) El. D..S





(3) El. D..S





Pair 4

(4) Leg.





(4) Leg.





Pair 5

(5) M. G.





(5) M. G.





Pair 6











Pair 1: Main/Topic idea sentence –Pair 2 : Supporting detail sentence(s) – Pair 3 : Elaborating detail sentence(s) – Pair 4 : Legibility- Pair 5 : Mechanics and Grammar – Pair 6 : Total

The mean scores are essential parts on which statistical manipulations are based. It is shown that the mean in pre-test is  1.92 in pair 1, whereas, the mean in the post test is 3.22. Dealing with standard deviation , in the pre-test , it is .493,   while in the post test it is  .417. In pair 2 , the mean in the pre-test is  1.65, but in the post test , it is  3.05. Considering standard deviation, in the pre-test, it is .633, while in the post test, it is  .468.The mean in pre-test is 1.92in pair 3, whereas, the mean         in the post test is 2.95. Dealing with standard deviation , in the pre-test ,  it is  .547,   while in the post test, it is .329. In pair 4 , the mean in the pre-test is 1.59, but in the post test , it is 2.97. Considering standard deviation, in the pre-test, it is  .644.while in the post test, it is .440. The mean in the pre-test in pair 5 is 1.89, but it is 3.03 in the post test. Regarding, standard deviation, it is .567and it is .164 in the post test . In skill 6 , the mean in the pre-test is   8.97, but in the post test , it is  15.16. Considering standard deviation, in the pre-test, it is  2.141, while in the post test,          it is  1.191.   

It is obvious that means of the post test are more than those of the pre teat. These results show that student-teachers made use of                     the program. 

Table(5) The results of T value to measure the differences between the pre-test and the post-test of the experimental group


Mean Differences

Std. Deviation Differences

Std. Error Mean Differences

T value



Pair 1     (1) M.T.I.S. - (1) M.T.I.S.






Pair 2   (2) S.D. - (2) S.D.






Pair 3   (3) El. D..S - (3) El. D..S






Pair 4

(4) Leg. - (4) Leg.






Pair 5) M. G. - (5) M. G.






Pair 6  Total - Total






Considering T test in table (5), it has been shown that student-teachers were improved in all pairs of paragraph writing  starting with pair one and ending with pair six. In pair 1, T test is 13.824 and in pair 2, it is 13.280 . In pair 3, T test is 11.315 and in pair 4, T test is 13.120 .              In pair 5, T test is -14.359 and in total T test is 21.002. There were statistically significant differences at the level (0.01) in favour of the    post test .

Writing a Letter

To answer the third question which is “To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written letter of  second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?”

Table (6) Mean scores and standard deviation of pre-post test on Writing a letter.

Paired Samples Statistics




Std. Deviation

Std. Error Mean

Pair 1

(1)Sal& Clos.





(1)Sal& Clos.





Pair 2











Pair 3

(3) Cont. Acc.





(3) Cont. Acc.





Pair 4

(4) Neat.





(4) Neat.





Pair 5











Pair 1: Salutation and Closing – Pair 2: Format – Pair 3: Content Accuracy – Pair 4:  Neatness. Pair 5: Total

It is shown that the mean in pre-test is  1.89in pair 1, whereas, the mean in the post test is 3.46. Dealing with standard deviation , in the pre-test , it is . .699,   while in the post test it is  .605. In pair 2 , the mean in the pre-test is  1.78, but in the post test , it is  3.00. Considering standard deviation, in the pre-test, it is .584, while in the post test, it is  .236.The mean in pre-test is 1.73in pair 3, whereas, the mean in the post test is 3.03. Dealing with standard deviation , in the pre-test , it is  . .608,   while in the post test, it is . .372. In pair 4 , the mean in the pre-test is 1.78, but in the post test , it is 3.00. Considering standard deviation, in the pre-test, it is  .630.while in the post test, it is 236. The mean in the pre-test in pair 5(Total) is 7.19, but it is 12.49in the post test. Regarding, standard deviation, it is . 1.793and it is . .961 in the post test .

       It is obvious that means of the post test are more than those of the pre teat. These results show that student-teachers made use of the program. 

Table (7) The results of T value to measure the differences between the pre-test and the post-test of the experimental group


Mean Differences

Std. Deviation Differences

Std. Error Mean Differences

T value



Pair (1)Sal& Clos. - (1)Sal& Clos.M.T.I.S.






Pair 2   (2)Format - (2)Format






Pair (3) Cont. Acc. - (3) Cont. Acc.






Pair 4

(4) Neat. - (4) Neat..






Pair 5. Total - Total






Having a look at T value in table (7), it has been shown that student-teachers were improved in all pairs of writing a letter starting with pair one and ending with pair six. In pair 1, T test is 10.994and in pair 2, it is 13.851. In pair 3, T test is 12.778and in pair 4, T test is 11.750. In pair 5(Total), T test is 21.385. There were statistically significant differences at the level (0.01) in favour of the post test .

Writing a Report

To answer the fourth question which is “To what extent does home assignment affect the skills of a written report of  second year English majors at Faculty of Education, Beni-Suef University?”

Table (8) Mean scores and standard deviation of pre-post test on Writing a report.

Paired Samples Statistics




Std. Deviation

Std. Error Mean

Pair 1

(1) Topic





(1) Topic





Pair 2











Pair 3

(3)Q.o Inf.





(3)Q.o Inf.





Pair 4

(4)G.U.M. S..





(4)G.U.M. S..





Pair 5

(5)Int. L.





(5)Int. L.





Pair 6











Pair 7











Pair 8











Pair 1: Topic – Pair 2: Organization- Pair 3: Quality of Information – Pair 4: Grammar usage –Mechanics/ Spelling – Pair 5:  Interest Level – Pair 6: Neatness – Pair 7: Timeliness- Pair 8: Total

It is shown that the mean in pre-test is  5.81in pair 1, whereas, the mean in the post test is 7.76. Dealing with standard deviation , in the pre-test , it is .877,   while in the post test it is  .597. In pair 2 , the mean in the pre-test is  5.51, but in the post test , it is  7.70. Considering standard deviation, in the pre-test, it is . .901, while in the post test, it is  .661.The mean in pre-test is 15.76 in pair 3, whereas, the mean in the post test is 17.81. Dealing with standard deviation , in the pre-test , it is  1.640,   while in the post test, it is 1.330. In pair 4 , the mean in the pre-test is 15.84, but in the post test , it is 18.03. Considering standard deviation, in the pre-test, it is  . 1.625.while in the post test, it is . 1.343. The mean in the pre-test in pair 5 is 5.54, but it is 7.24 in the post test. Regarding, standard deviation, it is .900 and it is .683 in the post test . In pair 6 , the mean in the pre-test is   5.73, but in the post test , it is  7.49. Considering standard deviation, in the pre-test, it is  .902, while in the post test, it is  .692. In pair 7, the mean in the pre-test is 5.92, but it is 7.38 in the post-test. Dealing with standard deviation , in the pre-test , it is .795,   while in the post test it is  .639. In pair 8(Total), the mean in the pre-test is 60.03, but it is 73.41in the post-test. Dealing with standard deviation , in the pre-test , it is 6.894,   while in the post test it is  4.764.

         It is obvious that means of the post test are more than those of      the pre teat. These results show that student-teachers made the best use of the program. 

Table (9) The results of T Test to measure the differences between the pre-test and the post-test of the experimental group


Mean Differences

Std. Deviation Differences

Std. Error Mean Differences

T value



Pair (1) Topic - (1) Topic M.T.I.S.






Pair 2   ((2)Org. - (2)Org.






Pair 3   ((3)Q.o Inf. - (3)Q.o Inf.






Pair 4 

(4)G.U.M. S.. - (4)G.U.M. S...






Pair 5) (5)Int. L. - (5)Int. L






Pair 6  (6)Neat. - (6)Neat.






Pair 7((7)Time. - (7)Time






Pair 8  Total - Total






Considering T test in table (9), it has been shown that student-teachers were improved in all pairs of writing a report starting with pair one and ending with pair six. In pair 1, T test is 15.179and in pair 2, it is 17.161. In pair 3, T test is 15.337and in pair 4, T test is 16.420. In pair 5, T test is 12.251and in pair 6 T test is 13.424. In pair 7, T test is 13.667and in pair 8 T test is 26.147. There were statistically significant differences at the level (0.01) in favour of the post test .

Discussion and Interpretations of the Study.

In paragraph writing, in the pre/test, the lowest score was 6, while the highest score was 11. In the post/test, the lowest score was 13 and the highest score was 16. In Writing a Letter, in the pre/test, the lowest score was 5, while the highest score was 9. In the post/test, the lowest score was 11 and the highest score was 14.

In Writing a Report, in the pre/test, the lowest score was 56, while the highest score was 61. In the post/test, the lowest score was 69 and the highest score was 75.

This is because students benefited from the program. They told the researcher that they studied the program well and made use of it. The researcher answered their questions related to the program. It is clear in standard deviations that the values are nearer to the highest values. It means that the effect of the program is positive. Students' scores have become higher in the post test.

The current study dealt with home assignment and its effect on some writing skills. In comparison with the studies mentioned in the review of literature, it is obvious that the current study is different from Spielberger and Slaughter, (1985) as they showed the theories and practices of effective teachers who used a cross-disciplinary approach to enhance writing instruction. Collection of essays was designed to make writing teachers aware of the various possibilities for using film in their classrooms.. Bridges,  (1996) showed that promoting lifelong reading is one objective of East Georgia College's English courses--all of them, even composition--because learning is a lifelong pursuit and to read is to continue to learn. Reading novels, biographies, and autobiographies stimulated  students to think for themselves and to express those thoughts in both oral and written media.

Findings of Sides, Donna T. (1994) showed that subsequent utilization of the home writing program over a longer period of time could provide a vehicle to increase writing proficiency skills.. In ProQuest LLC,findings of Paredes, (2011) showed that there were crucial stages of abstraction development through which novices pass as they develop into mature writers. Considering that diversity in language proficiency is prevalent in our language classrooms, the knowledge of  the different language development stages through which language learners pass can assist instructors in the design and improvement of current curricula for the teaching of writing as well as to provide         more differentiated feedback according to student's specific needs and language skills.

.Findings of Franquiz and Salinas,  (2011) showed that the use of digitized documents, document-based questions, and written responses in the form of letters or telegrams made the subject relevant and meaningful to the newcomer students and elicited their cognitive engagement and identity investment in the production of writing. The choice to use (or not) the home language played a significant role in the creation of students' identity texts.

The current study came up with findings that may help students in their future whether at Faculty of Education or when they work with the Ministry of Education

Recommendations of the Study

As a result of the present research, it is recommended to consider the following:

- Helping students know more  about their environment to develop their experiences and skills involved in writing.

- There should be training courses involving the writing sub-skills

- It is important to encourage students to share, take care and tell about their experiences in teaching the writing sub-skills

- The functional writing skills should be based on theory and practice.

- Motivation, mutual respect, and cheerful atmosphere should exist in teaching writing.

- Sharing in publications, gives writers a sense of ownership and develops the functional writing skills.

- Providing students with choice over their writing activities, autonomy, appropriate challenges and process versus product evaluation could encourage students to value their efforts and achieve tangible progress in writing.

- Action Plan is successful in increasing writing fluency.

-"Learning by design" enables teachers to offer high quality learning experiences to their students.

- The instructor-student interaction is positive, as it enhances participants' learning motivation and compositional ability.

- Students can complete blogging tasks in class rather than after class.

- Encouraging students to take their peers' comments into account can help students edit their own work with a view to enhancing their writing tasks and producing mistake-free texts.

Suggestions for Further Studies

According to the results of the study, the following studies are suggested :

-The Effect of Using a Training Program on Developing Some Writing and Reading Skills

-The Effect of Using the Internet on Developing composition writing Sub-Skills

-The Effect of Using Group Work through the Internet  on Developing                              Primary School Pupils’ writing and speaking

-The Effectiveness of a Writing Activities- Based Program in Developing Some Speaking Skills of Students in Preparatory Stage

- The Effect of Using group work on Developing Writing Sub-Skills

- The Effect of Home Assignment and Simulation on Developing secondary school Students' composition writing.


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